Baptism & Dedication

What is Baptism?

Baptism is an exciting time in the life of any believer and it is a wonderful step to take in your Christian walk. Through baptism, you're telling the world that you believe Christ is your Savior and that he has washed and redeemed you with His blood.


Why Be Baptized

We believe it is important for every believer to be baptized.

Baptism is an act of obedience. Once a person admits that he or she is a sinner and turns to Christ for salvation, the Bible says the watching world needs to know. (Matthew 28:19). In baptism we make a stand for our faith and tell the world that we believe Christ is our Savior. (Matthew 3:13-17) Once you have decided to trust in Christ alone for your salvation, baptism is the next step! However, baptism doesn’t “save” you. Only your faith in Christ does that. Baptism is like a wedding ring; an outward symbol of the commitment to Christ you have made in your heart. (Acts 2:41; 8:12; 10:47-48)

Baptism is a way to identify yourself with Christ. In baptism we are identifying with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

Going under water represents Christ’s death and coming out of the water illustrates His resurrection. By being baptized, we are saying that though we are imperfect, we belong to Christ and we are washed and redeemed by His blood.

Am I Ready to Be Baptized?

Before you make the decision to be baptized, you should ask yourself the following questions:

1. Have I received Christ in my life?

Baptism is not a decision to be taken lightly. Once you have made the decision to follow Christ, baptism is a wonderful way to tell the world! If you are not ready to receive Christ, don’t get baptized. It is better to wait so that you can be sure your baptism is fully meaningful.

2. Am I putting my faith and trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of my sins?

Christ is the one who forgives and saves you; baptism is not a way to earn forgiveness. It does not save you; it is an outward sign of an inward commitment.

3. Am I ready to be baptized?

If you answered yes to the first two questions, you are ready to be baptized!

How Do I Get Baptized?

If you are ready to take the step of being baptized, you will need to complete two steps prior to the baptism service:

1. Attend a Baptism Informational Meeting. Prior to the baptism service, we ask each participant to attend a brief baptism class, where we will review our statement on the biblical basis for baptism, discuss logistics and answer any questions. Informational meetings happen one week before the baptism service on Sunday Morning.

2. Complete the Baptism Application. You may also begin to work on writing your story. Here's a story guideline form to help you with your writing.

Please fill out the Baptism Sign-up form no later than a week before the baptism. Rising Hope requires that children have completed the 5th grade to be baptized. For younger children, we offer a special Dedication Service.


Child Dedication

There are two primary elements to Parent/Child Dedication:

The Prayer of Blessing

Scripture indicates that as the one who holds a scriptural office of authority lays hands on a child, a special spiritual blessing is received.

While we avoid any magical or mystical implications here, there is no denying a spiritual blessing is part of the dedication process. This blessing can come from a pastor, overseer, or even a father or grandfather. In the case of the child dedication, the blessing comes from a Rising Hope pastor.

Examples of Parent/Child Dedication in the Bible include Joseph and Mary bringing Jesus to the temple, Hannah bringing her son Samuel, and parents bringing children to Jesus, all for the purpose of blessing.

The Dedication

It is the parent that is entering into covenant with God – to commit their child(ren) to Him. (Philippians 3:8)

As a couple is standing before God dedicating their child to him in a Christian church, their life should show the characteristics of Christ. Sometimes people bring their children for dedication or baptism because it is "the thing to do."

God is honored by hearts that genuinely desire to please Him without regard for what others think.

Dedication of children to God means handing them over to Him to do as He pleases. Scripture tells us His ways are higher than our ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9) An act of dedication is an act of faith in God, trusting him to call the children wisely and mercifully.

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